This post, as its title so aptly states, provides a link to PB Junction’s Elected Officials page. This linked page shows up in the drop-down menu. But if a reader clicks the category “Civics” (or its parent category of “Civics and Economics”), so easily done at the top of a post, the page (a stand-alone webpage) will not show. So this link was added here, in a post that shows up under “Civics,” as another way to make the Elected Officials page apparent. Staying in contact with these officials is highly important.
Elected Officials Page
The Elected Officials page provides the names and contact information for the vast majority of federal, state, and local elected officials who represent Pine Bluff residents. School districts’ board members are not included, as this information is usually readily available through schools and local news sources.
The Importance of Keeping Up with Elected Officials
PB Junction deems this information as vital for a community to thrive. For that matter, it is vital to democracy. Citizens need to stay in touch with elected officials to voice concerns and learn officials’ actions and plans.
Also, for the sake of informing voting choices, it is imperative for voters to communicate with those who represent them. And so, Dear Reader, maybe an official does not represent you as well as you had hoped. Or maybe the official is doing his or her best but faces constraints — whether budgetary, legal (as in the law does not allow certain action to be taken), or political — that you do not fully understood until you learn more. On the other hand, some officials “talk a good line” without accounting for their constituents’ needs and preferences. So before a well-meaning official is voted out, or before an uncaring or inept one is kept, stay in touch. Research. Learn.
And yes, the officials have the responsibility to reach out to residents Still, do not give away your power. Take matters into your own hands by learning. Read quality sources that provide news or research. Read a variety of sources if you are not sure which ones may be biased or error-prone. Attend city council meetings and any publicly held federal, state, or local event — forum, townhall, or meeting. And reach out proactively to communicate with your elected officials.